Name Last Update
WebServicePluginForWebTestResultTabVSIX Loading commit data...
WebTestWebServiceMessageEditor Loading commit data...
WebTestWebServiceResultAddin Loading commit data...
WebTestWebServiceRuntime Loading commit data...
WebTestWebServiceSetup Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data...
CHANGELOG Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
WebServicePluginForWebTest.sln Loading commit data...


Plugins for Visual Studio Loadtest and Webtest to handle SOAP and REST requests and responses that use XML, JSON or MSBIN formats. Provides XPath based verification and extraction rules, a request/response viewer in the webtest gui results tab, and a request body editor for web tests.

Branches and versions of Visual Studio

The initial checkin to the master branch is a copy of the original code from Codeplex of the VS2013 version of the plugin, taken 2017-09-02, version 3.2, last built on December 28 2013.

This project has a master branch for the main logic, and separate branches for specific code targeting specific versions of Visual Studio. I.e. code changes specific for a VS version should be committed to the appropriate branch. Code changes to common files should be committed to master, so the VS specific version branches can merge with master to receive these updates, without having to cherry pick commits.

This also means that the branches may NEVER be merged into master, since these only contain VS version specific code changes.

Builds should only be created on the non master branches, for a specific version of Visual Studio, although the master branch currently targets VS2013, there is a specific branch for VS2013 as well. Changes that are needed to be committed that are specific for VS2013 should therefor be committed to the vs2013 branch, since these can not be allowed to be merged into the other version branches.