
The original code from CodePlex is under the Ms-PL license ( The added extension code is under the Ms-RL license (

The Ms-RL license requires the source code to be distributed with any binary forms of the code. The source code is therefor distributed inside the VSIX package as a file and installed in the VSIX folder of the Extension.

Released builds

First release of the VSIX Extension (VSPackage)! Please download and test it! If you find bugs/problems or have suggestions for improvements, please create an account at this site (its free) and create an issue in this Project. Issues are also used for help and support.




Release Notes

VS2017 and VS2015 v1.2 and VS2013 v3.5

  • XPathExtraction rule now has option to Pass If Not Found (for vs2015 and vs2017)
  • Error checking for correct version of VS (all vs versions)
  • Add Extraction Rule and Validation rule and Parameters now works correctly in Result Views (for vs2017)

VS2015 v1.1

Bug fixes (issue #11)

VS2013 v3.4

Bug fix release (issue #11)

VS2017 version 1.0

First released version based on version 1.0 of VS2015. Tested on VS2017 Enterprise Experimental Instance only.

  • Removed the WiX Setup Project from the solution thereby no longer requiring the install of WiX Toolset in order to build.

VS2015 version 1.0

First released version. Tested on VS2015 Enterprise.

  • Uses the new Extensibility framework (VSIX Extensions VSPackage) instead of the no longer supported VS AddIn tech
  • All files will be installed in user folders, no elevated rights required
  • Will during first launch install the recorder plugin dll in a user folder in the current VS Document folder (i.e. %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Visual Studio 2015\WebTestPlugins)
  • Will during first launch install the public runtime plugin dll in a new public assemblies folder for the user (%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Visual Studio 2015\MyAssemblies) and add this directory to the list of folders searched by .NET Framework
  • Same features and functionality as the latest version on CodePlex (version 3.2 from the 28 December 2013)
  • Fixed some bugs (handling exceptions)
  • VS AddIn and Setup MSI (WiX Toolset Project) are still in the code and can be used for pre 2015 versions as an alternate install method. NOTE! MSI Setup will still install into the PrivateAssemblies and PublicAssemblies folders and thereby requiring elevated (local admin) rights, the VSIX Extension does not

VS2013 version 3.3

  • Based on CodePlex version 3.2 from the 28 December 2013
  • Fixed bugs with null references when json/xml body is empty
  • Added "Pass if not found" to XPathExtractionRule

Other plugins and Tools

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