PgpSignatureList.cs 1002 Bytes
using System;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp
	/// <remarks>A list of PGP signatures - normally in the signature block after literal data.</remarks>
    public class PgpSignatureList
		: PgpObject
        private PgpSignature[] sigs;

		public PgpSignatureList(
            PgpSignature[] sigs)
            this.sigs = (PgpSignature[]) sigs.Clone();

		public PgpSignatureList(
            PgpSignature sig)
			this.sigs = new PgpSignature[]{ sig };

		public PgpSignature this[int index]
			get { return sigs[index]; }

		[Obsolete("Use 'object[index]' syntax instead")]
		public PgpSignature Get(
            int index)
            return this[index];

		[Obsolete("Use 'Count' property instead")]
		public int Size
			get { return sigs.Length; }

		public int Count
			get { return sigs.Length; }

		public bool IsEmpty
			get { return (sigs.Length == 0); }