Commit 882fcf01 882fcf01d80adfb0d5b8c529c48884f0d1eb8f45 by Christian Gerdes

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1 parent 576696bb
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 0 deletions
1 LIL Oracle Monitor
3 Collects measurements from Oracle Database Servers over JDBC and republishes those as User Defined Data Points in a LoadRunner Java Virtual User, or as a REST service that can be used from SiteScope as a Custom JavaScript Monitor.
4 SiteScope monitors can be published as Windows Performance Counters using LILPS (Performance Service) see
6 This project is under the MS-RL ( which means you have to distribute the code along with (if any) binary (build) versions.
7 Please share your contributions or modifications of the code.
9 You will find the latest code, issues, builds, wiki and documentation at:
12 Please create issues for suggestions, bugs, features etc. Happy monitoring!
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