Templates not showing in VS2015
I am using VS2015 and I have installed the plugin from the site. The installation shows complete and successful. I have created solution and web performance and load test project under the solution. Recorded some tests and got the prompt to add a reference to the dll, which of course I clicked OK. But when I go to MyProject-->AddNewItem I don't see any templates. Neither any tab is available in the Web Test Results Viewer for any step/request in the test log. I can see this under VS2015 Tools menu :
But when I click that this is shown :Also wanted to add that the plugin is shown under the VS -->Tools-->Extension and Updates as installed as below :
Am I doing anything wrong here?
Hello Reema! It seems for some reason that the dll was not able to load in your environment, that is used to integrate with the test results window. The info message when you run Tools -> WebService Plugin for WebTest should say (loaded). In your case it says (not loaded). This can happen if there is a version mismatch between how the dll is compiled, and which version is installed. What exact version of VS2015 Enterprise are you running? And what exact version of the VSIX hve you installed? Or did you download the source and compiled your own?
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