RsaSecretBcpgKey.cs 2.13 KB
using System;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg
	/// <remarks>Base class for an RSA secret (or priate) key.</remarks>
	public class RsaSecretBcpgKey
		: BcpgObject, IBcpgKey
		private readonly MPInteger d, p, q, u;
		private readonly BigInteger expP, expQ, crt;

		public RsaSecretBcpgKey(
			BcpgInputStream bcpgIn)
			this.d = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
			this.p = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
			this.q = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
			this.u = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);

			this.expP = d.Value.Remainder(p.Value.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.expQ = d.Value.Remainder(q.Value.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.crt = q.Value.ModInverse(p.Value);

		public RsaSecretBcpgKey(
			BigInteger d,
			BigInteger p,
			BigInteger q)
			// PGP requires (p < q)
			int cmp = p.CompareTo(q);
			if (cmp >= 0)
				if (cmp == 0)
					throw new ArgumentException("p and q cannot be equal");

				BigInteger tmp = p;
				p = q;
				q = tmp;

			this.d = new MPInteger(d);
			this.p = new MPInteger(p);
			this.q = new MPInteger(q);
			this.u = new MPInteger(p.ModInverse(q));

			this.expP = d.Remainder(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.expQ = d.Remainder(q.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.crt = q.ModInverse(p);

		public BigInteger Modulus
			get { return p.Value.Multiply(q.Value); }

		public BigInteger PrivateExponent
			get { return d.Value; }

		public BigInteger PrimeP
			get { return p.Value; }

		public BigInteger PrimeQ
			get { return q.Value; }

		public BigInteger PrimeExponentP
			get { return expP; }

		public BigInteger PrimeExponentQ
			get { return expQ; }

		public BigInteger CrtCoefficient
			get { return crt; }

		/// <summary>The format, as a string, always "PGP".</summary>
		public string Format
			get { return "PGP"; }

		/// <summary>Return the standard PGP encoding of the key.</summary>
		public override byte[] GetEncoded()
				return base.GetEncoded();
			catch (Exception)
				return null;

		public override void Encode(
			BcpgOutputStream bcpgOut)
			bcpgOut.WriteObjects(d, p, q, u);